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Hexagram 20 - Contemplation - KUAN

You have the power to command through your thoughts. By focusing on higher laws, you gain the underlying power.


Is about viewing or contemplating a situation with a clear and detached perspective. It represents stepping back and looking at the big picture rather than getting caught up in the details. The key takeaways from the judgment and image of the hexagram are to be patient and to trust that things will work out in the end.


Emphasises the importance of seeking inner truth and wisdom through quiet introspection. This hexagram suggests that to progress and achieve clarity, one must step back from the noise and distractions of the world and look inward. Doing so allows one to access the higher laws that govern the universe and gain a deeper understanding of one's place in it. Advises that when we can access this higher perspective, we can positively influence the world without even trying. This is because our thoughts and actions align with the natural flow of the universe, and we can powerfully manifest our intentions. In essence, Hexagram 20 teaches that the power of the mind is limitless and that we can create our reality by focusing our attention on the things that truly matter. It reminds us that true success and happiness come not from external achievements but from cultivating inner peace and wisdom.

Sage Advice

Use stillness, reflection, and contemplation to understand one's place in the universe. The hexagram reminds us to focus on our inner truth and trust our work's hidden power, even when progress may seem slow or invisible. It advises us to avoid careless self-confidence, self-importance, and attachment and to remain patient and moderate in attitude. The hexagram also encourages us to be receptive to the workings of the Creative, correct our attitudes, and strive for blamelessness through sincere contemplation. Overall, the hexagram emphasises the importance of maintaining a detached and objective perspective while being aware of the actions and motivations of others and of the signs of the time.

Line 1

Suggests a need for patience and understanding towards those who may not yet recognise the value of following truth. It reminds us that the journey towards spiritual growth and learning is personal and that we cannot force others to follow the same path. However, as a superior person, it is our responsibility to deepen our contemplation and understanding, which may lead others to recognise the correctness of the following truth. We must be humble and not seek to humiliate or force others but rather inspire them through our example.

Line 2

Reminds us that progress is only sometimes immediately visible and that we must learn to trust in the hidden power of our work. We may work diligently and correctly, but the results may take time. Maintaining a patient and impersonal attitude is essential, even when faced with insensitivity or setbacks. The Creative works in complex and often unknowable ways, so it's important to trust the process and not take the situation to heart. This line also suggests that slow progress, while not immediately visible, will endure and ultimately lead to success. The key is to remain moderate, just and focused on our inner work rather than getting caught up in external circumstances or the shortcomings of others.

Line 3

The key to progress is self-awareness and self-reflection. Focusing on our thoughts and actions allows us to make the right choices between advancing and retreating in a given situation. It's essential to avoid becoming overconfident and attached to outcomes and to remain humble and open-minded. Only by acknowledging our limitations and flaws can we progress in our personal and spiritual growth.

Line 4

Speaks to the importance of being a respectful and humble influence when in a position of power or leadership. It is crucial to approach these situations with modesty and mindfulness rather than allowing ego and ambition to take over. By leading with gentleness, tolerance, and respect, we can create a positive and constructive influence in the world. This requires a deep understanding of moral principles and a commitment to honouring them in all situations. Rather than seeking to impose our will on others, we must remain open and receptive to their needs and perspectives and work to create a sense of unity and harmony. This approach honours the light of the kingdom and serves to lessen suffering in the world.

Line 5

Calls for contemplation of one's own life to understand the workings of the universe and find a path that is free of blame. We can listen to our inner thoughts and feelings through meditation and correct ourselves to avoid negative consequences. This line also highlights the hidden power of our thoughts and the potential for achieving great things by maintaining an open mind and accepting events as opportunities for growth. By examining and correcting our attitudes, we can benefit from the good in our lives and contribute to the betterment of the world.

Line 6

To become blameless is the ultimate goal, and sincere contemplation is the means to achieving it. We must be willing to recognise our mistakes, correct them firmly, and sacrifice our ego for the greater good. The Superior Man knows that forceful ways of dealing with externals are not the answer and instead turns inward to correct himself. In doing so, he gains the world. The message of this line is that true success comes from inner growth and self-correction rather than external achievements or accolades. Only by being blameless can we lead others and positively impact the world.

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