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Hexagram 24 - Return - FU

It advises to let go of what is holding you back, embrace change and stay grounded in your values. It is a reminder not to be afraid of ending something, as it can lead to new beginnings.


Represents returning to one's roots and finding peace and stability in familiar surroundings. The hexagram is formed by two trigrams, representing the idea of returning home. The upper trigram comprises the mountain and the earth elements, meaning stability and grounding. In contrast, the lower trigram is made up of thunder and wind elements representing movement and change. The overall image of the hexagram is one of a journey coming to an end and a return to one's starting point.


Is a powerful reminder to return to our true selves and the path of inner discipline, humility, and acceptance. It is a sign that we have strayed from the correct way and that it is time to throw full light on the glimpse of the problem we have seen and take corrective action. This is a time to relinquish old belief systems, methods of defence, and strategies for dealing with issues that no longer serve us. We must also let go of pride, impatience, anger, and desire, which are expressions of the ego that block our growth and progress.

The I Ching advises us to rest, gather strength during this transition, and focus on building a solid foundation and finding inner peace. This is a time for reflection, self-discovery, and returning to our roots to find stability in familiar surroundings. By holding to modesty, gentleness, and correct conduct, we prepare the ground for a fruitful blossoming when the light fully returns.

It is important to note that returning to our roots does not mean going backwards or regressing, but rather reconnecting with the essential qualities that make us who we are. It is a process of rediscovery and realignment, where we let go of the old and embrace the new. This is a time to take tiny steps carefully and trust in the process of change and transformation.

Ultimately, the hexagram of Return is a powerful reminder that growth and progress require us to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace change. Doing so opens us to new possibilities and the full light of consciousness.

Sage Advice

Emphasises the significance of returning to one's innermost values and beliefs. It is a reminder to reflect on the past, learn from it, and use the lessons to shape the future. The I Ching advises to be patient and persistent, trust in the natural process of things, and be open to new opportunities while remaining true to oneself. The hexagram also emphasises the importance of being flexible, adaptable, and mindful of the change in situations. The best sage advice from this hexagram is to be steadfast in pursuing one's goals, have faith in oneself, and not lose sight of the end goal. It also warns against stubbornness, pride, and inflexibility and advises one to be willing to correct one's errors and seek help when needed.

Line 1

At the start of our journey, we may find ourselves straying from the right path due to alienation and doubt. Recognising this deviation and returning from it, no matter how short the distance, is essential to avoid a slippery slope towards further negativity. By confronting our doubts early on, we can prevent them from taking hold and leading us further astray.

Line 2

Refrain from giving in to pride, as it may lead to danger. Practice patience and tolerance towards others, and maintain a humble attitude while following the path of good. Good fortune will come to those who return quietly to a steadfast and sincere way of being.

Line 3

Retreating from the path of inner truth may cause repeated setbacks and danger. The I Ching advises against making fickle demands for immediate resolution and encourages patient perseverance towards your goals. Sacrifice your hard and resistant attitude, and quiet your mind to progress towards your desired outcome.

Line 4

When you return to dependence on the principles of the Sage, you may find yourself walking alone among others who do not share your values. Do not be swayed by their opinions or ambitions, but remain true to your inner convictions. Your reward will come from inner peace and a strengthened sense of self.

Line 5

The wise person takes responsibility for their actions and recognises their mistakes. By correcting them and returning to the path of righteousness, there is no need for excuses or remorse. This is the path of the noble-hearted Return.

Line 6

Missing the moment of Return can lead to misfortune. It is crucial to carefully examine ourselves and correct any wrong attitudes that may prevent us from returning to the light. Opportunities wasted may take a long time to produce, so it is essential to seize them when they arise.

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