The key to achieving great success is perseverance. Even in the face of setbacks, difficulties, and challenges, if we maintain our focus and keep pushing forward, we will eventually achieve our goals. However, it's important to remember that success is not always guaranteed and that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the process.
Representing the difficulty and obstacles that arise at the beginning of a new venture or project. The Judgment for this hexagram is: "Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success, Furthering through perseverance."
The Hexagram consists of two powerful trigrams, K'an (rain) and Chên (thunder), representing the chaotic and teeming profusion that comes with new beginnings. It is essential not to be overwhelmed by the uncertainty and ambiguity of these times and to avoid taking hasty or unwise actions. Instead, it is crucial to persevere in non-action and to seek guidance from a higher power. This hexagram is often received during stressful times when it can be challenging to gain a proper perspective on the situation. It is essential to disperse the pressures that urge us to act and to wait for the correct path to reveal itself.
This hexagram can also be interpreted as a symbol of the difficulties and obstacles that can arise at the beginning of a new venture or project. It advises being persistent, hardworking, and aware of potential roadblocks or pitfalls that may occur during the early stages of a project or venture. Another perspective is that it represents the power of overcoming obstacles through determination, hard work and perseverance, symbolising the potential to overcome challenges and achieve success. A third perspective is that Hexagram 3 is associated with the concept of "Shocking" (震), which can be interpreted as both "to shake" and "to awaken". It serves as a reminder that difficulties and obstacles can be a wake-up call, shaking us out of complacency and leading us to more remarkable growth and success.
Be persistent, hardworking, and persevere through the difficulties and obstacles that may arise at the beginning of a new venture or project. The hexagram advises the querent to be aware of potential roadblocks or pitfalls, take the initiative, be decisive and take action to overcome challenges and achieve success through determination, hard work and perseverance. The hexagram also reminds us that difficulties and obstacles can be a wake-up call, shaking us out of complacency and leading to growth and progress.
Additionally, the hexagram encourages you to trust in the natural flow of things, be open and receptive to opportunities, and take a nurturing and supporting role in your own life and the lives of others. The I Ching advises "foster strength in oneself, and refrain from action" by building inner strength and self-discipline, being cautious and waiting for the right opportunity, maintaining humility and not overestimating abilities or underestimating difficulties. It also emphasises the importance of being patient and persistent in facing obstacles and challenges and understanding that success may be delayed but is ultimately attainable through steadfast perseverance.
When faced with obstacles at the onset of a journey, it is important to remain steadfast and persistent. Seeking assistance from those who possess wisdom can be advantageous in navigating through the challenge. Instead of charging forward recklessly, a measured approach and careful consideration can lead to valuable insights and solutions. Trust in your journey and the guidance of the Sage.
Patience is key when presented with a possible solution to a problematic situation. Though the idea may seem enticing and offer relief, it is crucial to consider the potential consequences before committing. It may be tempting to rush into a decision, but it's better to be cautious and wait for the right solution to reveal itself. Avoid making hasty decisions that could lead to unwanted obligations. Trust that the right path will present itself in due time.
Acting alone in a difficult situation is not the solution. Instead, one should seek the guidance of a higher power, the Sage, to navigate the challenge. By cultivating a humble and open mind, we can open ourselves to receiving the help we need. Rushing into action without proper guidance will only lead to confusion and potential humiliation. It is essential to wait for the right moment, the real influence, to present itself and to remain in the present situation with an open mind. Trust that the answer will come in due time and that you will know the right course of action when it does.
When faced with a difficult situation, it may be tempting to give up or seek quick solutions. However, picking up the burden and striving for a union is essential. It means uniting with the guidance of the Sage and trusting in the unknown to reveal the correct path. We allow the proper way to show itself by submitting to being guided. In our relationship with others, it is important to realize that difficulties during new beginnings are a natural part of the journey. Giving up will only lead to failure, but by remaining humble and faithful to the principles of the Sage, we can move forward with good fortune. It is essential to put the ego aside and not to make demands on the higher power. Only by following the truth and doing what is correct can things work out.
When faced with difficulties in blessing, it is vital to maintain a steady and balanced approach. The darkness surrounding you may distort your light and make it hard to see the clear path. Attempting to force a completion will only lead to frustration and mistrust. Instead, one should move forward slowly, methodically, and with quiet balance. You can build the confidence necessary to succeed by remaining centred within and regaining objectivity. Being patient with people who may feel a sense of inferiority is important, as envy and feelings of inferiority can create tension. By being steady, independent, and detached, we can navigate the difficulties and regain footing.
When confronted with horse and wagon parting, and negative emotions such as desire, fear and despair prevail, it may be tempting to give up on our path. However, it is crucial to recognise that this is the most extraordinary form of relegation. Instead of succumbing to these negative emotions, one should hold fast to truth and persevere. It is natural to feel doubts and have moments of discouragement, but giving in to them will only lead to defeat. The child within us may rule, but it is essential to remember that the Sage is always there to guide us and that things will work out in the end. Trust in your journey and stay true to your path.