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Hexagram 51 - The Arousing (Shock) - CHÊN

When facing unsettling events, feeling shocked and fearful is natural. However, it's essential to maintain a neutral and disengaged attitude. Instead of allowing our emotions to control us, we should strive towards a higher truth and remain grounded in our beliefs.


Hexagram 51 is associated with the image of thunder, a powerful and sudden force that can cause significant disruption and change. The main themes of this Hexagram include sudden change, upheaval, and the potential for both positive and negative consequences. The key takeaways from the judgment are that change can be beneficial and harmful and that one should be prepared for the unexpected.


Also known as Shock, teaches us that when we face unsettling events, it is vital to remain open and flexible rather than reacting blindly. Shock can occur in various situations, such as losing a job, experiencing a divorce, or even winning the lottery. These events force us to acknowledge that we are meant to find a new, more correct way of dealing with circumstances, often requiring spiritual development. Shock has the effect of discrediting our current belief systems, which allows us to re-examine them and potentially adopt new perspectives. The ego-self-image, which derives power from our belief systems, loses credibility during this process. The shock process must be repeated until the ego and the old ideas finally lose credibility, allowing our true selves to gain strength. Shock also makes us aware that we are subject to higher cosmic laws and must find our life's meaning in relation to this higher existence. The Hexagram advises that we concentrate on deepening our understanding, withdraw into stillness and meditation if we feel threatened by circumstances, and remain open and flexible in the face of change.

Sage Advice

Emphasises the importance of maintaining inner balance and harmony during Shock and uncertainty. Feeling fear and anxiety when faced with unsettling events is natural, but the I Ching advises us to keep our minds open and our attitudes neutral. By doing so, we can learn the lessons that Shock has come to teach us and grow from them.

To maintain inner stillness and tranquillity, it is vital to cultivate practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection. These practices help us stay centred in the present moment and connect with our inner wisdom. By doing so, we can avoid becoming too caught up in external distractions or difficulties and stay focused on our goals and purpose.

The Hexagram emphasises the importance of genuine simplicity, sincerity, and humility in all our actions and interactions. These qualities are essential for effective leadership and success in life. Instead of trying to impress others or gain power through external means, the I Ching advises us to focus on cultivating inner strength and authenticity.

By staying true to ourselves and our values, we can inspire others to do the same and create positive change in the world. It is essential to be humble and sincere in all our actions and interactions, treating others with respect and kindness. By doing so, we can build strong relationships and achieve our goals in a way that benefits everyone involved.

Line 1

When we experience Shock can be a jarring and unsettling experience that often elicits feelings of fear and apprehension. However, the first line reminds us that what may seem like a negative or disastrous turn of events can ultimately lead to good fortune. Sometimes, we must experience discomfort and upheaval to grow and evolve as individuals. Only by confronting and overcoming the challenges that Shock presents us with can we develop the inner strength and resilience needed to achieve our goals and fulfil our potential. So, while Shock may be initially frightening, it is ultimately an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Line 2

Reminds us that dwelling on past losses and mistakes can disrupt our inner peace and lead us to resist the natural flow of events. Instead of resisting, we should withdraw into contemplation and reflection and seek to redefine the situation as an opportunity for growth and learning. By reframing our perspective, we can regain what we have lost and move forward positively. The key is to remain open and receptive to life's lessons and to trust that everything happens for a reason.

Line 3

Resist the temptation of negativity in the face of Shock or challenging events. The Shock may initially cause emotional trauma and negative thoughts. Still, we must withdraw from these and keep an open mind to see the options and workable solutions available. This requires inner stillness and refusing to listen to negative thoughts from our ego or others. By doing so, a path forward will become visible. The line cautions against letting the Shock of fate propel us into negative conduct and to remain steadfast in our positive attitude.

Line 4

Warns us not to let the Shock of unexpected events hinder our growth. When we feel like all is lost and there is no solution to our problems, keeping a level head and not giving in to negative thinking is essential. This is simply the ego's overreaction to the situation, and if we let it rule, we remain trapped in old thinking patterns. Instead, we should accept the situation and see it as an opportunity to learn something new and gain a new perspective. We must let go of our childish ways of perceiving things and embrace an unstructured and open mind.

Line 5

Represents a series of repeated shocks that may occur in one's life. Despite the chaos and confusion that may accompany these shocks, staying centred and focused on the truth is essential. When one stays connected to their inner truth, they can remain unmoved and unharmed by the shocks around them. This is because they can see the bigger picture and trust everything is happening for their ultimate good. The repeated shocks serve as a reminder to stay vigilant, stay true to oneself, and remain open to new insights and perspectives that may be revealed through the experience.

Line 6

Stay aware of the drama of Shock. When we're amid a shocking or unsettling event, it can be easy to become absorbed in the drama of what's happening. We may want to place blame, seek revenge, or try to control the situation somehow. However, this only adds to the chaos and robs us of our peace of mind. Instead, the I Ching advises us to withdraw from the effects of Shock and find a sense of inner stillness. This allows us to regain clarity and perspective and see the situation with a new understanding. By letting go of our need to control or fix the situation, we can move forward with greater ease and prevent misfortune.

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