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Hexagram 52 - Keeping Still - KÊN

Maintain inner stillness by quieting your thoughts and releasing the influence of the ego. Through meditation, you can cultivate emotional balance and composure.


The central theme of Hexagram 52 is stillness and inner peace. The judgment for this hexagram states that "Keeping still is the way to inner peace, and inner peace is the way to the highest good." The image for this hexagram is a mountain, which represents stillness, stability, and the ability to weather any storm.


Reminds us that when our emotions are involved, it becomes difficult to have clarity of mind, and thus we are advised to keep still. The goal is to quiet our frenetic mental activity and detach from our thoughts and emotions. Meditation is an effective way to achieve inner peace and clarity, allowing us to interact with others creatively. By sacrificing our internal conflicts and emotions, we can return to purity and innocence and gain the ability to command our inferior elements. The central theme of Hexagram 52 is to find inner peace and stillness amid chaotic or difficult situations and to avoid making decisions based on fear or impulsiveness.

Sage Advice

Practice "noble-hearted keeping still." This means cultivating inner peace and detachment, even amid chaos or pressure. It is essential not to be swayed by external influences but to remain grounded in the present moment and accept things as they are. This does not mean being inactive or passive but taking action from a place of inner stillness and balance. We can gain clarity and make wiser decisions by remaining centred and detached. In a world of distractions and constant change, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of our inner peace. However, the I Ching reminds us that it is possible to maintain stillness and balance, even amid the turmoil. By cultivating inner detachment and accepting things as they are, we can become more resilient and less affected by external circumstances. This inner stillness allows us to see things more clearly and make wiser decisions while being more present and grounded in our daily lives.

Line 1

Advises us to remain still and steadfast in our approach. This is a time to pause, reflect, and refrain from acting. It is better to wait until conditions are more favourable rather than acting out of impatience or impulsiveness. By keeping our toes still and avoiding blame, we can find peace in acceptance and maintain our detachment from the situation. This requires continued perseverance, as correcting matters may take time. By remaining innocent, quiet, and detached, we create a space for clarity and wisdom to emerge. This is an opportunity to focus on inner growth and self-reflection to better prepare for the challenges ahead.

Line 2

This line advises that it is crucial to remain still and avoid taking action at this time. Although there may be a strong desire to move forward, resisting the impulse to act is essential until the right conditions have arisen. The ego can be a powerful force, pushing us to take action based on fear, doubt, or desire. If we give in to these emotions, our efforts will be wrongly motivated and likely lead to negative consequences. Instead, we must abandon our attachment to specific outcomes and find peace in acceptance. By holding steadfast to stillness and detachment, we create the conditions that enable the Sage to do his work.

Line 3

We are advised to keep our hips still. This line speaks to the importance of working on ourselves to achieve a state of inner calm rather than trying to force ourselves into a particular state of mind. When we try to be calm or trusting, we may be creating resistance to our natural state of being, which can cause additional stress and anxiety. To achieve a state of composure, we must free ourselves from any elements that make us more or less than what we are. These elements can include pride or negative thoughts, clouding judgment and preventing us from seeing things. We should strive to come to a moderate and just view of others, even if we don't necessarily like them. Enforced quiet can also indicate that we are still harbouring worries and anxieties. Instead of dwelling on our concerns, we should let go of all pressing matters and resign ourselves to the present moment. By doing so, we open ourselves to the possibility of good luck and positive outcomes. Sometimes, we cannot pinpoint the negative element causing us distress. In these situations, we must keep our minds humble and free and trust that the negative energy will dissipate. It's also important to note that we should not try to replace doubt with belief, as this is merely another attempt to force tranquillity on ourselves. Instead, we should accept the unknown and offer no resistance to it. By doing so, we can cultivate a state of trust that lacks distrust. When we quietly accept the unknown, the Sage can help guide us.

Line 4

Keeping his trunk still. The presence of fear, doubt, or desire causes unrest. Desire is a form of fear that we may not achieve our goal. We hardly ever desire what we are sure of having and often desire what we think we cannot have. Thus, desire contains both doubt and envy. Letting go of these negative feelings brings the heart to rest and attain a higher level of tranquillity. The fourth line reminds us that inner peace results from letting go of fear and desire. When we are restless and anxious, it is often because we are attached to a specific outcome or afraid of what might happen if we don't achieve it. By keeping our trunks still and letting go of these attachments, we can bring our hearts to rest and gain a more profound sense of tranquillity. This inner peace is beneficial for our mental health and can lead to good fortune, as it allows us to approach life with a more positive and accepting attitude. We must learn to trust the flow of life and have faith that everything will work out in the end. Doing so can cultivate a sense of calm and contentment in our lives, even amidst chaos and uncertainty.

Line 5

Keeping control of one's words and actions is essential, especially when inner tranquillity has not been attained. The restless forces of fear, doubt, and impatience can easily influence our behaviour and communication with others. If we focus too much on the failings of others, it can create a supervisory attitude that can make it harder for them to do the right thing. This resistance can then lead to further unbalance and difficulty in persevering. Thus, it is advisable to be reserved in speech and to maintain tranquillity on every level. This helps prevent negative effects from speaking or acting when we lack composure.

Line 6

In the face of criticism and resistance from those who do not understand the value of stillness, it takes a noble heart to stay the course and maintain one's composure. This line emphasises the importance of perseverance in stillness, both in thought and action, to achieve inner peace and detachment from external pressures. A noble heart can withstand the attacks of others and remain steadfast in its commitment to inner stillness. The reward for this perseverance is a complete and lasting peace of mind that cannot be shaken by the opinions or actions of others.

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