Wavering occurs when we desire too strongly. True joy is found in those who are strong on the inside and gentle on the outside.
The central theme of Hexagram 58 is joy and contentment. The image of a lake in the hexagram symbolises a sense of inner peace and satisfaction. The judgment for this hexagram states, "Joyousness that is in accord with the time. Success." This suggests that joy and contentment can lead to success when they align with the current circumstances.
To find true joy and contentment, one should embrace inner independence and let go of attachment to external outcomes. The image of the placid lake represents true joy as serenity that arises from a sublime source. However, even the slightest wrinkle on the lake's surface indicates the presence of an emotion that can lead to turmoil and the loss of true joy. Wavering or wanting can lead to ego leadership and a loss of inner independence. The I Ching advises us to remain unstructured, willing to be led, and to impose discipline on our whining inferiors, encouraging them to be patient. Inner equilibrium and direction are lost when we allow the ego to take over, creating self-conflict. True joy and success are achieved gradually but steadily by relating correctly to others and the Higher Power, practising innocence, detachment, acceptance, modesty, and gentleness. Hexagram 58 is a reminder to appreciate life's small pleasures and not focus on material gain or external validation.
Maintain sincerity and humility in all actions. The lines of hexagram 58 cautions against the seductive temptations of the ego, such as vanity, self-importance, and attachment to material desires. The I Ching advises cultivating sincerity and humility in all actions and resisting the temptation of the ego. This means remaining humble and open to learning, even in times of success, and being sincere in all interactions with others. By cultivating sincerity and humility, one can avoid the destructive influences of the ego and maintain a clear, authentic path towards spiritual growth and fulfilment.
To find true contentment, it is essential to cultivate inner harmony through detachment from desire. When we let go of our wants and needs, we attain a sense of emptiness that can lead to more significant insights and a more peaceful state of being. Despite the challenges and difficulties that may surround us, being free of desire allows us to impact those around us positively. However, we should not confuse the desire for others to treat us correctly with the act of wanting, as the latter implies doubt. By remaining detached and open-minded, we can still maintain our standards without the burden of wanting. This attitude can win the cooperation of others to do what is right, and time and the universe's power will aid in rectifying the matter. This line also serves as a reminder that following the path of truth and goodness does have an impact, even if it is not immediately apparent.
Warns against relying on fixed ideas and self-defensive images to avoid acceptance of the unknown or dependence on the cosmos. It also cautions against looking for the wrong solutions to problems or adopting special attitudes that may have worked in the past. The advice is to remain unstructured and resist bad influences to meet with good fortune. Those who abandon correctness for temporary pleasures are unlikely to find lasting success. It teaches us that sincerity and authenticity are essential in resisting negative influences and finding good fortune. The line warns against relying on past experiences or fixed ideas to solve current problems and suggests that true success comes from remaining open-minded and unstructured. The second line reminds us to stay true to our principles and not to compromise them for temporary pleasures or expedience. Ultimately, the message is that true joy and contentment can only be found through authenticity, sincerity, and the willingness to confront and overcome challenges.
Warns against the dangers of wanting and desiring too much. When we become too fixated on specific outcomes and desires, we risk losing our sense of direction and inner harmony. It's essential to accept the present moment, mistakes included, and move forward with a sense of contentment and detachment. We should be aware of the negative emotions that can arise from wanting, such as fear, restlessness, and pride, and guard against them. True joy comes from valuing and protecting our inner being and being independent of external recognition and material possessions. We may encounter trouble and conflicts with others if we are not firm in our beliefs and principles. Envy, ambition, and desire can lead us astray and cause us to lose sight of what is truly important. Innocence and inner independence are the keys to experiencing genuine joy and contentment.
We are tempted to sacrifice our values to gain unity with others or improve our situation. This may include tolerating indifference and unjust treatment, considering new involvements due to doubts in our current situation, or jeopardising our inner dignity for progress. The line suggests that pursuing pleasure inevitably leads to suffering, not only in terms of physical satisfaction but also through indulging in self-importance and comparison with others. These thoughts create self-conflict and prevent us from experiencing true joy. To overcome these temptations and find true happiness, we must turn our hearts and minds to what is higher, focusing on principles rather than momentary pleasure or gain. It is vital to resist the suggestions of our ego and avoid thoughts such as "I would be happy if only this were so." By staying true to our principles and avoiding self-importance and comparison, we can achieve inner harmony and experience true joy. True joy cannot be found through sacrificing principles for momentary pleasure or gain. Internal conflict is resolved by turning towards what is higher and staying true to our principles.
Sincerity in resisting corrupting influences. This means we are honest with ourselves and recognise when self-serving desires and motivations tempt us. We oppose the urge to take actions that only benefit ourselves or to listen to negative emotions like self-pity, doubt, and fear. We understand that being recognized or rewarded for our efforts is not the ultimate goal and that seduction and temptation are always misguided paths. Sometimes we may be sincere with someone who is insensitive, but we need to acknowledge when it's time to let go of these unhealthy relationships. They will ultimately defeat one who engages in inferior emotions, attitudes, and actions. We must release these negative influences and return to purity and truth.
Warns us of the danger of being seduced by our ego and giving in to feelings of self-importance, self-pity, impatience, anger, or alienation. These seductions can cause us to stray from our path and destroy our will to persevere, leading to our downfall. Vanity in the form of self-importance is the most dangerous of all evils, and we constantly watch for how others see us. Even during self-development, the ego can intrude and try to draw attention to how well we serve the good. The line advises us to remain detached, humble and accepting to save ourselves from being caught up in the cares of the world and destroyed by them. It reminds us to resist the seductive fantasies put forward by our ego and firmly resist the feelings that can lead us astray. By staying true to ourselves and remaining grounded in detachment, humility, and acceptance, we can avoid being seduced by the allure of self-importance and remain on the right path towards true joy and success.