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Hexagram 64 - Before Completion - WEI CHI

To move from a state of confusion to clarity, it's essential to understand the problem correctly. This requires a calm and focused mind, free from distractions and emotional turmoil.


The central theme of Hexagram 64 is a journey or a crossing that still needs to be completed. The judgment text suggests that the crossing will be successful but requires patience and perseverance. The image text describes the crossing as complex, with the crossing being made on a raft that still needs to be finished.


Hexagram 64, "Undecided," portrays an incomplete journey that requires patience and perseverance. It advises caution and preparation for potential setbacks and obstacles. It's important to stay focused on the goal and not be discouraged by temporary difficulties. The I Ching advises not to make hasty decisions and to be mindful of potential risks and pitfalls.

The central theme of this hexagram is the idea of transition and change, which may represent personal growth, business ventures, or political situations. It advises humility, inner calm, and truth to trust the change process. The symbolism of fire above the water represents clarity preceding effort, reminding us to attain clarity before putting forth effort. It reminds us to hold firmly to our path, maintain inner independence, and sacrifice our ego without reproach.

Receiving this hexagram suggests that we haven't achieved genuine inner tranquillity, and as long as we respond to external pressures with our egos, we can't attain successful repose. The I Ching reminds us to abandon the hysterics of the ego and to accept modesty and inner balance. This hexagram denotes excellent responsibility, as the state of the world depends on our thoughts and conduct. By persevering in what is true and good, we build the foundation for good fortune.

Sage Advice

Remember your inner truth and stay true to your values. This hexagram is a reminder that the journey towards completion is not just about achieving a specific goal or outcome but about the process of growth and self-discovery. It is essential to stay connected to your inner voice and not to compromise your integrity or values in pursuit of success. Perseverance and patience are crucial, but so is the ability to adapt and adjust your plans as needed. Trust in the journey and believe the universe will provide the opportunities and resources you need to succeed. Remember to stay humble, listen to others, and be open to new perspectives. Doing so allows you to remain centred and grounded in pursuing the highest good.

Line 1

Warns against premature effort and unbalanced enthusiasm. It reminds us that actual progress requires clarity and insight and that we must first attain a state of inner truth before safely crossing the great water. The line suggests a temptation to rush into action, but that innocent non-action is the best action. Rather than striving for immediate progress, we should take the time to reflect and gain a deeper understanding of the situation before we take any action. This will help us avoid failure and humiliation.

Line 2

Advises against idle waiting, which can lead to indulging in fantasies, vanities, and nostalgic memories that distract from the overall goal of rescuing others. Instead, we must maintain back-burner steadiness, turning our energy to the work and attending to our innocence, steadfastness, and attunement to our inner voice. The message is to wait patiently, not lose sight of the goal, and stay tuned to the inner truth, avoiding egotistical fantasies.

Line 3

In the face of obstacles, taking action and trying to force a resolution is tempting, but this is likely to bring misfortune. Instead, it's essential to stand firm and maintain a steady course. This may require perseverance in non-action, allowing the situation to unfold without interference. It's important to resist the temptation to take matters into one's own hands or make assumptions about the situation. By allowing oneself to be led and maintaining a gentle, good-hearted approach, success is possible in times of transition. The line warns against the temptation to take aggressive action or to give up perseverance in the face of obstacles. Instead, it advises maintaining a steady course, remaining calm and receptive to guidance. By staying focused on inner truth and acting with gentleness and devotion, one can successfully navigate a time of transition.

Line 4

Discipline is necessary to overcome the challenges in the current situation. The struggle is maintaining inner equilibrium and detachment, which is essential to discipline oneself and the situation. This requires resisting the temptation to take the lead, demonstrate personality, or indulge in one's wants. It is vital to stay firm in our values and continue forward without hesitation, without questioning our path or whether we have been too strict. By staying firmly on our path, we can discipline those who we are meant to rescue. In times of struggle, it is crucial to maintain perseverance on the correct path. To waver from what is correct in thought or action is to risk losing all that has been gained. This line emphasises the importance of discipline and maintaining steadfastness in the face of challenges and reminds us that we can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals by doing so.

Line 5

Indicates that even when faced with inner conflict and the temptation to abandon our path, we must remain persevering and steadfast. This perseverance and acceptance of our challenges can lead to new insights and guidance from those who have achieved wisdom and mastery before us. The light of the superior person shines true when they remain committed to the path of the Sage, even in the face of difficulty and adversity. This steadfastness can bring unqualified success in achieving our goals and fulfilling our purpose.

Line 6

Warns against the dangers of complacency and ego, particularly in times of progress or improvement. It cautions against becoming careless or self-indulgent, as this can lead to losing inner discipline and a slide back into old habits or ways of thinking. The line emphasises the importance of remaining humble and grounded and avoiding the temptations of ego and desire. The line also highlights the dangers of substance abuse, whether alcohol or other drugs, as these can inhibit our ability to perceive and act following the wisdom of the Sage. It reminds us to be mindful of the impact of our choices and actions on our inner state and well-being. Ultimately, the sixth line reminds us that spiritual progress and growth require ongoing discipline and vigilance. We must remain true to our internal principles and values, even in times of ease and success.

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